Barn of Parts Sled Salvage LLC

It has certainly been a much busier season than last year, hence minimal posts and updates. In some skidoo related news, I have developed an MPS arm for the new taller Ras RX spindle. Just shipped my first kit off to a customer for a complete fit up on sled to check tie rod clearances with sway bar link. I've read the new Ras RX front end steers even harder than the Ras X. With Cat's uncertainty, supply chain of new parts for Yamaha has also been hindered. I suspect this is only the beginning of parts sourcing issues for years to come. I think there could be a lot of part reproduction in my future

I am now stocking some of the Jackshaft greasers. These fit all Japan models that have the removable 2 bolt bearing block. They have been added to the online store. I also received my first batch of mid pipe heat shields in this week and filled all open orders for them. The product has added to the menu and there is a video for install procedure. We have some early snow in PA at camp so may actually get to squeak a ride in next week before Christmas! That doesn't happen very often here. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

After countless prototypes I had some production samples made and they turned out excellent. Heat shield sounds simple, but it takes a lot figuring to wrap flat plate around a formed pipe! Few minor tweaks but should be getting a batch on order next week. OEM shields for the Sidewinder mid pipe now list from $279- $330, so at $175 this will be easier on the wallet and better quality. I have added them to online store and should have a batch ready in about 2 weeks. I have also finalized my Rouski Evo Mounts and added them to the online store. I will be adding both products to the menu soon.
A recent spike in Skidoo MPS kits had me a bit puzzled as to why until I learned this week that Snowtech magazine ran an article on the kit. They never reached out to me but credited me for the kit and published my website. The ironic thing is the kit shown in the article is a poachers copy....not mine! I first introduced the MPS concept back in 2017 and added Skidoo kits in later years. Having had some ideas copied in recent years its nice to see that integrity still wins in the end. I don't market to Skidoo much, so typically only keep small quantities of kits on hand. I was not at all prepared for this so please be patient as I get more kits made up.

Last week I posted some videos on Facebook about the chain tensioner lock tool. The videos walk you through adjusting valves and how the tool works. I have a batch of tools on order and have added them to the website now for ordering. Retail on this kit is going to be $30. Detailed videos are posted on the product page. Sidewinder heat shield prototype is finalized and now working with shop to get production samples made. With OEM shields listing for $330 I will be able to provide better quality for a lower price.

It has been a rather quiet preseason this year. Coming off of such a poor snow season nationwide I really didn't expect fall to as busy as usual. I made some refinements to my upper idler wheel puller. Old design applied tensile force to the retaining snap ring and could distort extremely stubborn wheels. New design now applies compression force so it should do a better job on the stubborn wheels.
No word yet on my 25 SRX. Once it arrives I'm going to see if there is an easy way to get the stock sway bar out. I'm told it does not clear the EPS motor. Hopefully I can come up with a trick to get it out easily.

I did a start to finish valve job on a 14 Viper few weeks back to test the tool. The job exposed a few changes that need to be implemented to the tool, but the concept works fantastic. Photo shows the extent of disassembly needed to change out shims on the exhaust valves. The muffler also needs to be removed for access to stator cover. Highlight for sure is the engine does not not need to unbolted to gain access to timing chain tensioner.
On another note despite being stubborn to Facebook, I'm now trying to post more on the page. I will continue to update the aftermarket goody page from time to time but I will be posting new items more frequently as they arrive on the Facebook page so be sure to follow my page.

I finalized details on my replacement exhaust flanges for the 11-18 apex headers. Going to secure them with stainless steel rivets after much research on RTV and chemical bonding agents. I certainly trust a mechanical bond over chemical. The titanium pipe drills much easier than I anticipated even with cheap Harbor Freight bits so the install should be quite simple for those looking to do the repair themselves. These flanges will sell for $90 each and will be sold individually.
The new Rouski Evo retractable wheels are pretty slick. They only offer them for all the current production skis. I had developed a mounting kit so rouskis could be retrofitted on Curve skis years ago and decided to look into making mounting kits to put the new Evo kits on other skis. I think I have come up with a kit that will allow them to mount to many older OEM existing skis and some aftermarket. Photo shows the skis that my kit is applicable on so far.
Despite poor season in alot of areas I've been getting some feedback from guys testing my new sway bars on sidewinder/viper. Skidoo runs m6 bolts on their sway bars but the procross chassis does not seem to tolerate them with my stiffer bar. Tried 4 levels of bolt hardness. So far I have not personally have not broken 12.9 on my test sled, but looking like we will be going with m8 (5/16") bolts to be on safe side on production. The collars installed on shaft prior to bending keep the sway bar centered and ensure there will be no chance at all for rub/wear marks on the panel.
I have few new ideas/products I'm working on this offseason. A customer put a bug in my ear about developing something to help with shimming valves. Checking the valves on the Viper and Sidewinder is not hard, but if shim changes are needed its quite labor intensive due to location of the timing chain tensioner. An engine builder shared a trick with me that allows for cam removal without removal of the tensioner and I'm working on tooling to make the trick fool proof so even those not real mechanically inclined have the confidence to tackle the job.

Unfortunately my new Catalyst was canceled by Cat. I did get to spend some time checking some out in detail. I have added a Catalyst filter option to the online store now and started working through existing products that will fit. With my oldest son old enough to trail ride now, I've been working on a Phazer for him. My first Prototype MPS kit is being tested. Also put a set of shorter venture ski shocks on front and clocked the splined arms on the rear skid one tooth to drop the rear. The phazer was always a tippy sled so hoping these changes will help make the sled more user friendly for beginner riders.

I came across a product that makes carrying fuel simple and very economical for vipers and sidewinders. On the Sidewinders, using the Rotopax concept requires the use of my cargo plate as the rear heat exchanger does not allow for mounting of the rotopax base. The pre drilled holes in this mount are too narrow, but i have made a jig to drill a new set of holes that will clear the rear heat exchanger and make for simple install. The cans are available in white or black and hold 2.5 gallons. Simple cam lock strap to hold it on to base. This can and mount will retail for $60. One 3 gallon rotopax can alone is around $105.

I have been making some progress on my marginal snow wheels. The way this winter is starting off we certainly may need them! Working through different rails and models to verify where we can put them. Have them sorted out for the 129/137 models from 14-18 for the front bend in rail and planning to add them to the menu and online store today. I'm still awaiting arrival of my Catalyst so I can verify what existing products will fit that new sled. From what I saw in a video last week the same driveshaft eating bearing design was carried over to this new chassis!

I came across a nice tail bag that works well on the viper/sidewinder seats. This was made for motorcycles but will work nicely once I make up some hardware to mount to tunnel. These bags are expandable and are rated at 20 liter capacity. It also comes with an elastic rain cover that can be use if caught out in weather. Easily removable with clips and there is also an option to add saddlebags to it. I have a set of saddle bags arriving this week to test fit. This tail bag will retail for around $110.

I got a text this morning from DMC Dave with a photo showing a box of completed gears! They are supposed to ship today. For those of you waiting on these gears we appreciate your patience
I have a small batch of prototype sway bars ready to be tested. I'm going to be offering these at discounted price of $50 while they last to get some out for testing. Will be adding them to the product menu soon with all the details. Aside from being stiffer, the design also does not allow for any contact with the plastic panel. Almost every SR chassis sled has rub marks from the sway bar rubbing the panel.
Lastly, I am now a dealer for Turbor Performance ECU flashes. Will be adding a product page to the menu soon.

With Haydays coming up this weekend things are starting to come to life again. DMC is still waiting on OEM gears from Cat. Pretty sure we have been waiting since April on these. Several of you have them on order and at this point DMC expects them the end of September.
A customer/vendor in another market that uses the Yamaha engines has developed a quality water pump impeller for the Viper and Sidewinder motor. After trying other aftermarket options and having them fail he did the R&D to develop his own version that has yet to fail. I like what he did and plan to distribute these impellers. He is doing a promotion price of $180 initially to get them out there. I have added them to the store and should have some ready to ship in 2-3 weeks.

Yamaha's announcement to depart from snowmobiles sure did stir up the customer base a bit! I've had a hunch for awhile that this time would come, but really didn't want to believe it. I think there will always be a following for Yamaha sleds so moving forward I intend to keep the business running as usual. I really have a passion for Yamaha sleds and helping you all keep them on the snow so I can't see my self ever completely walking away from it. Sure, the Yamaha news is disappointing but hopefully knowing my intentions are to be here for years to come will encourage you to keep running your Yamaha sleds!
I will have some new products coming this fall as usual and also continuing to make refinements to existing products. For example, when installing the cross shaft saver it is a bit tricky to keep the shim washers in place so I'm working on a custom washer that will stay in place.

22 models were to have the updated driveshaft but based on part numbers it appears the updated shafts did not show up until 23 production. I ordered a 23 shaft and physically it looks identical. There is no way to visually know if its the updated shaft. I had some metallurgy testing done on new shaft and old shaft and have confirmed that the new shafts are indeed harder than the old! The hardness level is now nearly equal to that of a bearing race. Time will tell, but it appears the wearing shafts should come to a hault. For those buying shafts make sure you get the latest part: 8JP-G7511-10-00. The driveshaft saver still works perfectly fine with the harder shaft despite my doubts, so until the new shafts are proven I would say its still not a bad idea to run one.
On another note there is an imposter repair bearing being made in Canada now. He doesn't even post with his real name so what a reflection of his integrity.
Just wanted to update on the DMC gear issues. First off this is not a DMC inflicted issue, but an oem supplier issue. DMC sources only OEM gears to install their bushing. The new gears supplied by Yamaha have teeth that appear to just crumble. Those that fail tend to fail very early on. I have sold about 70 of these gears and to date (1) has failed and it only took 15 miles. I will be posting some more detailed info on the DMC gear page to help customers determine if they may have the questionable gear. Easiest way to identify the new gear is the spline depth. New gear has deeper splines. The good original style gear has a groove between splines and chain teeth.

I've always stressed to customers buying engines that I don't sell engines I have not heard run. Recently acquired a spare 973 motor with a Venture I purchased. Motor changed hands a few times with each seller saying it was a good motor, but that is not enough for me. This week I assembled everything needed to make it run with an R6 rad an fan so I could run it for some duration. The 3 cylinders are notorious for bad head gaskets if they ever experience extreme overheating. What is tricky about them is at idle and lower rpms they show no signs of being bad. Only under higher rpm loads will they push compression into coolant jacket and start pushing coolant out overflow. A few heat cycles with some 9k pulls and this one passed the test!

Nytro and phazers are hard on the ski bolt bushings. The bushings are replaceable, but many times the collar and spacers are all seized up and have to be cut off for removal. I've come up with some replacements using different materials that would prevent seized parts in future. I also think once the long steel collar rusts and the surface gets rough it prematurely wears out the bushings in the spindle. My new collars will prevent this and should prolong bushing life. I have samples installed in many of my sleds for testing this winter, but unfortunately the weather has not led to much testing here in PA yet!

There has been some chatter about 23 driveshafts being updated. The shaft alone has a new part number but assemblies with drivers are still old part number so I am again skeptical. I plan to have metallurgy testing done to see what I come up with.
I'm working on some sway bars for the SR chassis. They are becoming a fairly common request due to breakage. Metallurgy testing on stock bar came back this week so now I'm on to making prototypes. Skidoo attaches sway bars with much smaller hardware and I'm thinking about doing the same. I'm also envisioning the smaller bolt acting as a shear pin. Cheaper to replace a bolt than broken sway bar. Plan is to also make it adjustable. Once I have some made up I may be looking for some testers!

We have had some feedback from a few people with 2022 models that could not get the cross shaft sleeve installed due to a tight fit. It appears the shafts have grown a few thousands during recent production based on one I measured. The sleeve should slide on with minimal resistance. If it does not easily start do not attempt to press it in as you will likely end of damaging the shaft. Starting the week of 11/21/22 all cross shaft savers shipped have been reamed with a .005 larger bit to ensure there are no fit up issues. This product has been holding up well and I still feel it is the most cost effective way to address the weak stock shaft.

I'm now stocking some slightly oversized wheels for the viper & sidewinder. These wheels are more robust than the stock wheels and the larger diameter will aid in reducing slide wear just as the X wheels have done for years on the Japan model sleds. Retail for these wheels is $45 ea.
To update on torsion springs I have a heavy duty set finalized for the xtx skids after doing some test fit ups this week. I will be adding them to the store soon. They will retail for $120 a set.

Requests for heavier springs on the Nytro XTX just keep coming in. The used sleds I harvested the heavier springs from are not coming in like they used to so I've been doing some legwork to source springs elsewhere. I have many different springs arriving this from various mfgs to see what I find that will fit the XTX skid. Ironically many lighter Apex XTX riders want softer springs so I'm also trying to source something to fit that need as well. I will keep you posted.
DMC 21t top gears are sold out here and at DMC directly. DMC tells me around Nov 10th they will have more ready.

Today I have been busy finalizing the MPS kit for the 21-22 Skidoo RAS X front end. I have a 22 Mach Z in the shop that I'm doing my test fit up on. I've been able to do away with the bent tie rods for these kits. The 3rd hole will require some minor modification to the sway bar link or either the sway bar attachment mod that is discussed on dootalk. I plan to revisit the 19-20 kits as I think I can likely do away with the bent tie rods on this kit as well. I will be adding a dedicated page to menu soon for these Skidoo MPS kits.

Today I'm picking up my first production batch of the new product I developed to address worn driveshafts. I expect to officially release the product early next month. Many jokingly give me grief when I ride another brand sled for a season but it exposes me to new ideas and logic. For instance, when I had my Skidoo 900 turbo, i noticed that the inboard tie rod ends did not have jam nuts. Instead they crimp the ends so threads are essentially self locking. The inboard jam nuts can be a pain to access on some sleds and starting this fall I'm incorporating a similar process on my MPS tie rods to make install easier.

Spent some time testing the 22 driveshaft that is supposedly hardened to prevent them from wearing out. I can mark it with a hand file with minimal effort, so it is still softer than a bearing race. The fit up is still loose too, so in my opinion 22+ models should still have a driveshaft saver installed from day 1. I did test the driveshaft saver in my 22 and it had no problem locking down the bearing. I was concerned that the "hardened" shafts would not allow any expansion, but this was not the case. Got it all back together now, but with new concept parts installed. Doesn't look any different than stock, but definitely something new installed that works on worn and unworn shafts!

My 22 GT finally came in and I picked it up end of last week. Have not had time to dig into it yet. Going to start with the driveshaft to try and determine if it is indeed harder and figure out how to distinguish a 22 shaft from the prior since Yamaha did not change part number. Going to test the driveshaft saver in new shaft and also test fit the new concept I'm working on. Driveshaft savers work well on non worn shaft, but on a used machine many already have some wear. The main objective for my new concept is to have something that can be used on a worn shaft.

On the final stretch with my storage rack design. Shared a post with the kit installed on an 11-18 apex, but wanted to highlight that the design will also fit many other models. This one kit will accomodate quite a few models: All 11-18 apex, all 08-14 fx nytro models, 16-18 Vectors, and all 04-15 136" warrior, rage, attak and ltx models. Some models such as 128/129 apex and 121 FX nytro models will require an included bumper. The bracing I have been testing all season has worked well. Retail for these rack kits will likely be around $350. As a reminder the top cargo plate accepts linq accessories.
My 22 sidewinder has not arrived yet and due to arrive in April. Once it arrives be able to conduct some testing of the driveshaft saver on the "new hardened" driveshaft to see if it's still effective.

As posted back in January I have been testing a radiator kit on a delta box sled. A phazer radiator and fan fits well and I think this will be an even better solution than a rear cooler. I did try testing with running board cooler loop deleted but the radiator and just the front tunnel cooler was not sufficient. Plan to put an official kit together in the offseason to sell. This would fit all deltabox models form 03+ that do not have power steering. I will sell it with radiator and fan as supply allows, and also sell as a kit if one was to source their own radiator and fan.
I made a post on TY4stroke awhile back that I have something new in development for viper/sidewinder driveshaft issue. The concept I'm working with will also allow it to work on a worn driveshaft which will certainly get people back out on the trail with less work!
Finally took a few days off to do some riding. Had excellent riding yesterday. I'm running my 2018 apex on this trip to test out my rack. Many have been patiently waiting for me to get this finalized. The bracing makes this rock solid and eliminated the sway I experienced last season when testing. Had 170 miles yesterday and it didn't budge. I've updated my drawings and an am getting some samples made up for what should be the final design. Keeping up with emails/text calls as I can. Be back in the shop Monday.

Last week I picked up a new batch of plugs for the rollover bypass kits. The first gen kits with 1/8" hole require the restrictor jet in the line. 2nd gen caps now have smaller hole in the cap so the restrictor jet is no longer required.
With my 22 Sidewinder still not here I have not been able to test the driveshaft expander on the new hardened shaft. I have concerns that it may not be strong enough to expand it. I incorporated some changes for the next batch that will give the tool more strength, and if that doesn't work I even have a whole new concept in the works. Nice thing about my new concept is it will even work on a worn shaft!
One other cool project I'm testing is a running board cooler delete for the older sleds with weeping coolers which is really becoming more prevalent as they age. Plan is a second radiator under hood. Install would be easier than cooler replacement and it could eliminate overheating problems if I can get the right sized radiator under the hood.
It's been extremely busy since Thanksgiving. Many ask me how to attach a GPS using the mounting plate. I utilize Ram mounts and an X-grip as shown. I am using a Garmin Drivesmart 65 which measures 6 7/8" wide x 4"high and it just fits in this x brace. I will be adding a bundle to the online store if anyone wants to replicate this set up. Retail will be $50 for this bundle. Feel free to send me dimensions of your GPS or phone and I can verify if it will fit in the X-grip. It does hold my iphone 12 mini as I use it on my dual sport over summer. The phone measures around 5 1/8" x 2 1/2" for reference.

The manual reverse levers sold out very quickly and I have a larger batch being made. Hoping to get them next week so I can fill a bunch of orders. I never really shared this before, but almost all of my in house designed products are made right here in PA with local fabricators. I do not source my fabrication overseas so this helps me maintain stock with faster lead times to replenish products.
Lastly, looks like my 22 Sidewinder GT won't be here until end of February now. Guess I better get started on my nytro 136 project as I don't think I will want to ride the Venom all winter long!

The update for the rollover bypass kit will be shipping next week. Info on what needs done is posted on the product page. I ordered some slydog wheels to test this winter. The fan blade concept of drawing snow dust into the skid for lube sounds interesting. Plan to run a set on one of our sidewinders this winter so we can compare against others in the group to see if there really is increased snow in the skid. I also now have a handful of manual reverse levers in stock. They are now available for purchase.

Finally got the rollover valve bypass situation sorted out. While most sleds probably won't even need it, I feel its definitely safer to have it. Will be posting some updates on the product page. Been meaning to post up about what I do for quick side panel removal on the Winder and Viper. Many use rivnuts, but if you don't have the tool to install it is not as economical. I find plastic push pin rivets work great. They are cheap and all you need to do is drill out the holes with at 21/64 drill bit. They work for all the holes except the shock tower as material is too thick. I just leave it blank but you could tap it or put a pop rivet back in. I sell them in packs of 10 for $7

I'm working at getting all the new axle upgrade component on the site. For those that have one of my prior 4th wheel kits I will be offering outside spacer kits as shown so you can remove all the plastic from the axle. You can also order this kit if you don't want to add a 4th wheel. As with all my axle kit offerings they are unique in that they allow the use of 12mm or 15mm wide wide bearings. If using wider bearing wheels you just omit the shim washer.

I now have billet nut holders for the track tension bolts in stock. They are in the online store for purchase. I will be adding my new axle components and kits to the online store soon. I anticipate having these items in stock and ready to ship in 1-2 weeks.
On another note if you are thinking about a Seat Concepts seat kit they are telling me 10 weeks leadtime. Almost all of my fall order seat kits are spoken for when they arrive so I likely will not have any on the shelf. If you want one get your order in sooner than later to ensure you get it for this season.

For the 2019+ sleds with 1" axle, I will now have 4th wheel spacer kit that eliminates all of the plastic components. Kit will accept oem wheels with thinner 6005 bearing and aftermarket wheels with wider 6205 bearings. The design of the kit also increases the adjustment range of track adjustment a bit. The billet track tensioner nut holders mentioned in the 10/4 post will also fit the 19+ sleds. Should have pricing finalized this week and will work to get the website updated with these new items.

I've been working on some components to upgrade the 14-18 axle setups. I now have billet nut holders for the tensioner bolt. I also have billet axle holders. In addition to being better quality material, the axle holder design allows for one to swap the tensioner bolt to the outside of rail for easier access like the 19+ models. If swapping to the outside of the rail I then will have standoffs that fit the holder so outside wheels can be added. Video link below explains everything. Look for a post later in the week for my 19+ model upgrades that eliminate the plastic.

Still lots of Apex's on the trail and the EXUP headers are very expensive to replace if needed. Been working on some replacement flanges to repair 11-18 headers as needed. These are made of stainless steel and I will sell them individually. I'm in the process of trying to find a good high temp epoxy that can be used to seal them up good. I also updated the aftermarket goody list today.

I get a lot of people that ask me what the easiest method is to determine if the drive shaft has been spinning so I wanted to share my findings. I find that removing the brake rotor and inspecting the backside of the hub is the quickest way to determine if you have an issue. If the shaft has spun, the face of the hub that seats against the bearing inner race will have lips worn on it. Drag your fingernail across the face and if it catches 2 lips/burrs then the shaft has spun. A new rotor is perfectly smooth across the whole face. This rotor is from a sled with 4500 miles and the OD of the shaft was worn .015".

The 17-19 Sidewinders had no issue with oil on clutches and it appears that we can revert back to that setup on 20+ models. The roll over valve was vented to a fitting on the intake tube connecting turbo to airbox. The 20+ models still use exact same intake tube, but they simply capped it off (item 57) and then routed roll over valve discharge hose inside the air box. On 17-19 the oil drop out would lay in the low point of the intake tube, which was easy to clean out and a much better accumulation point than the air filter and box that sits above the clutches. At this point I'm thinking we revert back to venting the roll over valve to the port like 17-19. This can be a rather simple DIY with some hose and a rubber plug but once my 22 arrives I will put together a kit with hose, clamps and a plug for airbox for those that just want to buy everything at once.

I have been working on a repair kit for the rear drop bracket. If a rear suspension bolt comes loose the mounting hole gets egged out. My repair plate is intended to be a simple bolt on fix to repair this issue. Plates are 1/4" aluminum and require a few holes to be drilled into the drop bracket. The plate serves as guide for drilling the holes so it's a very easy installation. I now have some of my upper wheel puller kits in stock I will get them added to the online store soon.

The reverse actuators are prone to failing and when they do they can leave you stuck in reverse or prevent full engagement of the forward gears internally. After removal of the actuator motor one can use this tool to shift back into forward. Once in forward the plate then bolts on in place of the actuator to lock the chaincase in forward so one can continue to ride. This will be a handy tool to keep in the tool kit as it is a trailside fix that could save the trip for you.

Ironically the upper idler wheel bearings have a tighter tolerance fit up than the driveshaft and makes removing them somewhat of a pain. The Cat wheel puller is pricey so I've designed a puller that only requires drilling 2 holes in the idler wheel. It works very well and I will have some made up to sell if anyone is interested. Thinking I will retail for around $40.
Backing plate is cut out to slide over the shaft and fit flat against the wheel. Backer is used on outside first as a guide to drill the 2 holes in idler wheel. Alternate back and forth running the 2 nuts in and it works the wheel off effortlessly.

Like full sized sleds, the Venom will overheat in hardpack and road skirting. Beings my Venom will be ridden by youth and unexperienced riders I am installing a radiator and fan to ensure it stays cool. In stock trim, if starting timer at 110, the sled idled for 17 min before the temp light started flashing at 158F. With the radiator and fan from an apex installed the temp peaked at 125F at 23 min and then started dropping. At 33 min the temp was down to 118F. Designed mounting brackets today. Aside from plumbing differences I am hoping this will fit the 600 and 800 two stroke models as well.

Working on revamping my Sidewinder radiator kit. The iQS module did not allow for the use of my radiator on several models. I now have a relocate plate for the module that will allow the rad kit to be installed on models that have iQS. I'm also working to bring cost down on the kit. One way I can do this is by eliminating the need for my intercooler guard which would reduce retail by $130. I think i have come up with a way to modify the stock nose cone and still retain the stock grills. I'm also exploring the option of a pre made wiring harness which will make installation easier. I do have an EPS 2022 on order so I will be able to see if the rad kit will fit EPS equipped models this fall.
Up at camp for what looks to be the last trip for season. Doing some final testing on the rollover valve bypass to make sure its fit to release. Hoping this will also address the issue of oil accumulation in air box on 20 and 21 models that ends up dripping on clutches. Got my new Venom back and that is running well again now that it is clutched correct. Thanks to Yamaha & F&S for getting it fixed up. Took advantage of a warmer evening last week to ride to local pizza shop for supper with the wife and my 2 oldest kids. My son really enjoys his enticer 300.

After 2 seasons of testing my rollover bypass concept on my father's Sidewinder I'm comfortable releasing the kit. I added it to the store the other week and working on the info page today. On my last trip I was till getting some oil accumulation in air box. The constant oil vapor being vented to air box appears to unavoidable with the stock configuration on 20 and 21 models. Going to explore some options to contain the oil from dripping out of the air box. My 21 SRX is supposed to be picked up tomorrow. I am ordering a 22 GT with EPS for next year. Anxious to do some trail comparisons next year between EPS and my MPS.

My 2021 SRX has now developed the infamous oil tank leak at 750 miles. The 20 & 21 models have the heated rollover valve, but the only way this will be effective is if you key on and just let the sled sit for a few minutes so the heater can thaw the valve. Because pressure builds within seconds upon start up if you don't give the heater a chance to thaw out the valve before starting you will have issues. My solution of venting tank to valve cover is going to be needed. Going to prioritize getting this to market. I plan to stop in with my machine shop this week to finalize production on a batch .

Trying my best to keep up with everyone. Just a reminder that I am still a one man operation. Some have had issues with copper muffler gaskets not sealing real well on the SR viper. I've made some improvements to the sealing ability of these by annealing them. Annealing makes them extremely soft and allows for a better seal. The annealing process is simply heating until red hot and then quenching it in a bucket of water. If you have one from a prior purchase you can simply do this with a 1lb propane torch.

PA riding has had the best start in years. Sorry to those trying to reach me the past few days. I went off the grid and managed to put nearly 400 miles on the new SRX with my dad and some friends. Trails were awesome and the SRX is one sweet machine. The new Stryke works very well with the stock stagger runners. I had no darting and the front end was planted. Snowtracker has a kit designed with longer studs to fit the ski and they should be arriving soon at the US distributor.

My venom finally came in last week. We took it up to camp and got to ride it a bit. Fun little sled, but have been having some issues with P1324 knock code, and it actually seized 16 miles in. It freed up and is running again, but certainly has been compromised. Know of at least 3 others having the same P1324 code. Be sure to report issues to dealers so info gets channeled back to Yamaha so a fix can be resolved. Mine is running at 130 psi of compression, so its not high compression causing detonation.

Phazer extension harnesses are finalized. May not seem like a real exciting product, but the phazer guage cluster harness is part of the main harness. The cluster is vulnerable to damage and if the plug gets damaged it requires a whole harness change. This extension harness allows the main harness junction to be concealed out of harms way. If one has a damaged cluster connector this harness can also be spliced in to make a repair.
On another note driveshaft savers have now been updated. Finally incorporated extra length so the flats can remain exposed. In addition we switched to a harder material on the threaded wedge for extra assurance against stripping during high torque.

Tech tip for some of the older sleds today. Many torsion spring suspension models are prone to severe lower shock eye wear on the center shock. There is not much clearance between track and shock and in turn studs will tear them up. Simplest solution to this is to run the larger excel idler wheels inboard on each side of the shock. Many other larger aftermarket wheels run wider 6205 bearings and therefore it is not possible to run them with out machining the bell crank and mounts. A set of excell wheels are a direct fit and the larger diameter will protect the shock eye.

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has an enjoyable day with family. Week did not start out too great here for me as I broke my foot on Monday. Order volume is high and I just ask that you please be patient as my limited mobility has slowed down my ability to get orders out and parts pulled. My front tunnel saver plates did not fit the XTX, BTX, & MTX tunnels, so I now have a new set designed to fit these models. I have added the option to the online store. I have a few sets at powdercoater now and should have them back to start shipping next week.

To those that purchased chain tensioner bolt I will be issuing a revised bolt at no charge. I messed up on my end and never actually installed one on a sled to discover the interference with stator cover when trying to insert the depth rod. New bolts will have a larger diameter counter bore about 1.25 " deep. This will allow the depth rod to be inserted at an angle to clear the stator cover and then it can be straightened out and inserted the rest of the way in. Really sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Please reach out to me if you have not already to ensure I get an updated one out to you when they are ready. I hope to have some by end of week.

Top gear bushing failure has plagued the chaincase design for quite some time on the Viper and Sidewinder. Seeing that the DMC gear is a robust solution I reached out to Dave about distributing the gears for him. I will be stocking and selling these gears, and my first shipment of gears should arrive next week. Retail on these gears is $165. Presently gears are only available for Sidewinder and Thundercat. The Viper/7000 gear is in development. I should have the Sidewinder gears in the store for purchase next week.

Things have really picked up here! Just wanted to update on some new MPS kits. For the newer BTX/MTX spindles I have components on shelf, but am still waiting for my new Venom to arrive so I can verify the tie rod bend angle needed. Dealer tells me my Venom will not be here until December. Last season I tested a kit for the Skidoo 900 turbo. I will be offering these kits on an as needed basis if anyone is interested.

Discovered today when my site was updated to new platform that they entered the wrong email address so I have not been receiving parts requests for 3 weeks. Should all be fixed now. A customer of mine developed this nice piece for easy greasing of the speed sensor bearing on the Japan made sleds. I will be a distributor for these. Retail is $99 and they can be purchased in the online store.

I'm nearing completion of the final design for the rack set up for the 11-18 Apex. This rack accepts my cargo plate which allows for many cargo/gas options. This design is a bolt in design that will mount to existing holes in the tunnel. Saddle bags can be used in conjunction with rack and seat storage access is maintained. 128 models will require bumper relocate as shown or we will supply a bumper so the length of sled is not increased.

My chain tension adjuster concept has come together quite nicely. I believe this product will help reduce top gear bushing wear and give everyone peace of mind when setting the chain tension. There will be no uncertainty anymore. Even myself, as an experienced mechanic, felt uneasy setting chain tension when cover was not off. I plan to add this and some other new products to the website soon. HD single shot relay rods are in stock, but bushings are still on backorder from Yamaha.

I now have GPS mounting plates available for the Viper and Sidewinder. These plates mount to the dash panel using existing holes and allow a GPS to be mounted above the instrument cluster. They are powdercoated black and retail for $70.

My sample relay rods for the single shot skid have arrived. These heavy duty rods are made from stainless steel and will be sold as a pair. They utilize the same oem Yamaha bushing. Rods will have new bushings installed in them. Retail for a set will be $110

Still lots of people running the trusty old Apex so I am still developing some new items for them. EXUP cables are known to fail and quite expensive to replace. In addition to top end loss, when the valve sticks in closed position it hinders fuel mileage. Working on a cable delete kit which will be a new pulley with fingers to lock the valve in the full open position. Trying to remove the valve to install a block off plate will likely yield stripped allen head bolts or broken bolts and turn into a headache project. The pulley is very simple to remove so it will be painless project with no surprises.

Looks like March will go down as a major bust for the Northeast this year. Things have really slowed up, but that just means I can get started sooner on some new product development. Finally getting a chance to design the MPS arm for the BTX and MTX spindle. I will definitely have kits available for these models later this year. I have a few other products I'm working on too. I will be sure to post updates as I progress. Not too much excitement for the 2021 Yamaha release. Really wanted to see the Phazer motor in the Venom, as I'm quite reluctant going back to a 2 stroke. I will likely order a Venom and see what I can develop for them and determine if any of my current products such as skid plate and chain case protector fit.

So my testing to date on my concept for rollover valve has been successful so far. What I'm doing is running a by pass line from oil tank to valve cover on motor to ensure tank is always vented even if valve freezes. I have new fill caps that thread in to cover and oil tank with barbed hose fittings so its a very simple install. In the event of a roll over any oil that escapes the tank just ends up back in the motor, so no oily mess. There has been some concern of the condensation/milky oil sludge ending up inside the motor. I am using a clear hose and have not seen any sludge accumulation anywhere in the hose to date. Winter in the northeast has not been too favorable. Still hoping for at least one big storm so I can get a nice 3-4 day ride in here at the end of the season up at my camp. Every year as business grows it gets tougher and tougher to get away and ride. Only 5 more days until Yamaha reveals the 2021 lineup.. sure hope we get something new!

I have been working on a new solution for the frozen roll over valve that I like even better than the alarm, so that is part of reason I have not yet released anything for this issue just yet. Finally got a little riding in this weekend on the new concept and it seams to be working well. More details to come on this later. Here's a peek at the MPS kit I have developed for the Gen 4 Skidoo. It works well, but as for the rest of the sled I'm not too impressed. Ha. My sample GPS mounts turned out good. Going to be getting a batch made up.

A customer reached out to me about making some GPS mounting plates. He informed me that OSP made some but with the company no longer around they are not available anymore. Turns out I actually had a used one here on the shelf, so I am in the process of making up a CAD drawing for the blank. The brackets bolt in place with existing bolts on the dash and allow for easy mounting of a GPS right above the gauge cluster. The mount will fit Vipers and Sidewinders

I have been hearing complaints about wheel quality so I've sourced what I would say is a heavy duty wheel. The wheel is certainly more robust as it is thicker in width. The thickness of the rubber is also thicker. They utilize the same size bearing so they are a direct replacement on all Viper and Sidewinders. Retail on these wheels is $37. Oil tank gaskets and ignition switch relocate kits are now up on the website.

This past month has been extremely busy. Just wanted to update on a few items. I am ready to release the oil tank gaskets and will be getting them up on site soon. Still trying to source a switch for the frozen roll over valve alarm. I am in pursuit of a self grounded switch so I don't need to run wire and ground the switch. I also almost have my first Skidoo MPS kit finalized. This kit will fit the GEN 4 front end and I will be testing it on a 900 Ace Turbo this season. I am also dealing with a supply issue on bolts for the Deltabox MPS kits as Yamaha decided to supercede to a bolt that no longer has a cotter pin hole! The surge of orders yielded back order status on some items such as drive shaft savers, rear tunnel saver, center shock shafts and front tunnel savers. Front tunnel savers are only one not yet in stock. Should have them back from powdercoater early next week. In addition I will have some ignition switch relocate kits ready. As a one man operation I greatly appreciate your patience as I try to keep up.

Mounted up a production procross cargo plate on my father's sled to display this weekend at the PA sled show. They really look sharp with the black powdercoat finish. Final design turned out well and is a very versatile design. There is a video posted on the menu page that discusses all the possible uses for the plate. Picking up a small batch of MPS arms for the 2020 spindles, oil tank gaskets, and brackets for my latest ignition switch relocate tomorrow. Still actively working on solution for the frozen roll over valve. Leaning towards pressure switch that activates the reverse beeper if pressure builds in the oil tank.

The PA Snowmobile show is coming soon on October 25-27. I will be present again this year and will have many of my new products on display. If there is something in particular you want to pick up at the show please contact me so I can be sure I have it there for you. MPS arms for the new 2020 spindle are designed and I should have a few production sets in hand soon for a fit up. Also, I have come up with a real clean solution for the frozen roll over valve.
Here is a link to a video I made on this new concept.

The driveshaft saver design is finalized. I had a small batch of 30 made up and they were sold out within a few days. Should have a larger batch arriving next week. Item is in the online store for ordering and I will get it added to main menu shortly. Doing further testing on the oil tank pressure relief valve I discovered the tank will build 55 psi of pressure when I simulated a frozen roll over valve! It's no wonder the RTV gasket seals are failing.

For 2020 Yamaha has now incorporated a heating element on the Sidewinder roll over valves to prevent condensation from freezing them closed. When they freeze up they do not vent and pressure builds up in the oil tank. This pressure build up ends up causing the RTV seal on oil tank to start leaking. For those that don't want to remove the rollover valve I have a simple solution in the works. This custom made billet aluminum fill cap will allow for a pressure relief valve to be installed on the tank. With a low pressure relief valve in place the tank will not build any excessive pressure during the time it takes for engine bay heat to thaw out the rollover valve.

Been actively working on a new MPS kit to fit the 2020 spindles. This spindle must really work as Cat made it tough to copy. There is not a straight line on this casting to use a reference line to take measurements from. Had to create my own reference lines to work from. Should have my first attempt drawn up soon to get some samples made up.

Finalized my fuel and cargo combo kit. Found these hard cases and really like them. Been testing it out on my motorcycle this summer. The lockable case easily unclips from the fuel caddy to take inside during overnight saddle bag trips The combo kit will include the hard case, 1.5 or 2.5 gallon gas caddy, and a modified rotopax mount kit that allows mounting of the hard case base. Check out the video link below to see how it all works. The 1.5 gallon combo kit will retail for $220, and the 2.5 gallon kit for $230.

The front cross shaft between the rails that the center shock mounts to is prone to excessive wear. The photo shows the shaft from my Sidewinder with only 3k miles on it, and Yamaha would not cover it under warranty. In addition to the wear, there have also been cases where this shaft and bolt bend too. Working on an upgrade to address these shaft issues.

Working on a fuel and luggage combo kit that's easier on wallet than the Linq. Besides I think all of us with blue blood are a little unsettled supporting Skidoo! Switching to a Fuel Pax gas caddy allows me to adapt a hard case to the mounting setup. The Givi cases work very well, however the bubble shape is not the most appealing. I have a more appealing case arriving tomorrow to test. You can unclip the case if you only want to carry gas, and when you want to remove the gas you just unthread the base. Targeting around $250 for this combo kit with a 2.5 gallon can.

Been actively working on a simple solution to prevent the drive shaft from slipping inside the brake caliper bearing. My original concept proved to be a failure, but upon my testing was able to use the concept to solve the problem in a way I would not imagined. When installed inside the drive shaft and tightened, it actually expands the drive shaft to tighten the tolerance between the shaft and bearing. Revising the design so we get 4 points of expansion and should have the sample piece this week. Nice feature of this product is it should work as a fix to tighten up the tolerance on shafts that have already been worn from slippage.

After several revisions I now have the design finalized for the rear tunnel stiffeners on the Viper and Sidewinder. These stiffeners will help prevent the tunnel from buckling under the added stress of cargo being carried on tunnel extensions. Retail will be around $55 for the plates and rivets and I will have them up in the online store soon.

The ignition switch location has been a bit of a gripe from many customers since Viper came out. I'm working on a potential relocate kit to make it easier to access. Kit would include a plug for stock hole, plug and play harness extension and a bracket with mounting hardware. I would powdercoat brackets black as well. These kits will work on Vipers and Sidewinders.

I think I finally found the simple solution for sealing up the weepy oil tanks on the Viper and Sidewinder. Finished up drawing this week and getting some pre production samples made up to test fit. I had some earlier gasket attempts last year and it looked like a pricey stand alone tank was the most viable solution until I came up with this solution. Static test has been leak free. Hoping to pressure test today to stress the seal a bit and see how it fairs.

Sorry it's been 3 months since I updated. Season ended strong, and once spring hit I was burned out! As usual I am working on a few things this offseason. Have a new idea for locking the brake rotor drive shaft bearing and expect prototype pieces back any day now. From here on out if you see "New" designation in menu it's a new or updated item for the 19-20 season. Ice scratcher bracket now has a revised slot will still break away under force, but remain in place if nut comes loose.

It's been a few weeks since I posted anything. Very busy trying to keep up. All backordered items except 13mm sway bars have been shipped. I expect the sway bars this week for sure. Just an Fyi will be out of the shop for a few days this week riding again. Something new I'm working on is a fix for is the slippage between the drive shaft and brake caliper bearing. This set up will tighten the brake rotor hub against the bearing inner race which should prevent the shaft from spinning inside the bearing. Photos shows the concept. More details to follow.

The new belt adjusters are now in stock! These new adjusters are now being made from a plastic. The use of plastic eliminates potential for thread galling. In addition it also eliminates the need for plastic buttons, which were a wear item for a handful of customers. In addition it now utilizes a through hole to lock allen wrench into for leverage when using for belt change. Full length octogon also provides even better grip when adjusting belt deflection. Rain hindered our trip this week, but we still managed 340 miles to test out the new luggage rack combinations. Had a different variation on each of the sleds in the group. More details to come on this.

I now have the MPS kits finalized for the FX Nytro. I should have a handful of kits ready to ship the end of next week. Belt adjusters should arrive early next week. I sold out end of December. I've incorporated a few more changes to the adjuster, so that added a some delay to the next batch arriving. More details on the changes once they arrive. Looks like some rideable PA snow has finally arrived! I plan to be out of shop Tuesday-Thursday to enjoy the sport for the first time this season. I will follow up with requests when able. Email request are best as I have no phone service at camp.

Actively working on luggage and gas storage options for the Viper and Sidewinder. I have a versatile mounting plate designed that that will accommodate the popular Linq accessories as well as rotopax. With an additional hardware kit, mounting plate can also be turned into a base plate that will clip into the linq brackets. You can then essentially build your own accessory by attaching bags, racks, and gas cans that you already have or source yourself. I will have a few bag options available as well. In addition, tunnel stiffeners are also being designed to ensure added weight does not buckle the tunnel as experienced by some.

4th wheel kits for the 19 model Sidewinders and Vipers are now available. I feel the stock wheels are quite cheap, so I decided to offer my kit with 2 good quality wheels for inside the rails. These wheels have replaceable bearings and have rubber on them. Kit includes 3 spacers, 2 washers and 2 wheels for $95. If you want to just buy 1 wheel, the spacer kit and single wheels are available individually in the online store.

For those wanting a budget friendly single keel ski for a Sidewinder or Viper I now have a way to put the older 03-10 Yamaha single keel skis on the procross spindle. I machine a little material off the bottom of the saddle pocket and then install some offset bushings that I designed. As supplies last I will sell good used sets ready to fit up for $160. I have Red, black, blue and yellow loops. These skis work excellent with conventional snow trackers.

Guess today was 4th wheel Friday .Spacers and axle components arrived for my solid axle 4th wheel kit. Here's a sneak peak at what is coming. My shipment of axle bolts should be here next week. The axle upgrade kit should retail for around $140 with no wheels. Wheels will be available or those that need them. Also made some progress on a 4th wheel kit for the 2019 models More details to follow on both kits soon.

I'm still working on an solid axle 4th wheel kit. I'm now running with a design that will have an axle that matches the rail slot which is 1/2" wide. The stock design, and most after market 4th wheel kits step down to an M10( 3/8") diameter bolt. My design will utilize a 1/2" diameter axle to offer perhaps the strongest design on the market. Since many have already bought 4th wheel kits my axle kit is designed to work with all the existing wheels in other kits which would allow you to just buy my axle upgrade kit.

MPS kits are all but ready for the RX-1, and Pre EPS Apex, Vector, Rage, & Venture models. I will have the kits up in the online store soon. FX nytro kits are next on the list of products to be finalized. Hose protectors for the sidewinder are in stock and I have added them to the online store so you can get them ordered. I will have the information page in menu for them up soon.

The sidewinder tunnel cooler front connections are made via a rubber hose that is exposed inside the tunnel. The exposed hose is vulnerable to tears from ice chunks and I'm aware of a few sleds that had this happened and lost coolant on the trail. I'm working on some protectors to shield the rubber hose as shown in photo.

I will have a redesigned intercooler guard this season. It is designed to work with the stock nose cone. It also allows for the use of the oem grill on the back side for added protection. The frogzskin mesh is now off the shelf peel and stick vents which will allow for easy replacement if one would tear or get damaged. By placing the vents on the front there is also no lip for snow to accumulate on.

I will have a redesigned intercooler guard this season. It is designed to work with the stock nose cone. It also allows for the use of the oem grill on the back side for added protection. The frogzskin mesh is now off the shelf peel and stick vents which will allow for easy replacement if one would tear or get damaged. By placing the vents on the front there is also no lip for snow to accumulate on.

I will have a redesigned intercooler guard this season. It is designed to work with the stock nose cone. It also allows for the use of the oem grill on the back side for added protection. The frogzskin mesh is now off the shelf peel and stick vents which will allow for easy replacement if one would tear or get damaged. By placing the vents on the front there is also no lip for snow to accumulate on.

After 2 seasons of testing I will be releasing the radiator and fan kit for the Sidewinder. Photo shows most of what is included with the kit. Only thing left to do is finalize controls to turn fan on and off. My prototype testing was with a manual on off switch. I plan to provide components so it automatically turns on and off based on coolant temperature.

Been a few weeks, and thought I'd post an update. The weepy oil tank seal has been an annoyance since the arrival of the Viper. I'm working on a rubber gasket that will seal the viper and sidewinder oil tanks once and for all! In addition I am also working on a drain kit that can be installed in the chaincase for easy oil changes. With sight glasses falling out of chaincases this past winter I'm also exploring a fill plug/dip stick replacement for sight glass. Geez....the yamacat chaincase set up sure leaves a lot to be desired!

The off season R&D has begun. Here's a peak at a slick adjustable snow flap I'm working on for Viper and Sidewinder models. These sleds have very little sit in for lighter riders which keeps the snow flap up and allows snow dust to exit the tunnel. The sidewinders are more prone to overheating on hardpack trails so dropping the flap will improve cooling as it keeps the little bit of dust available in the tunnel. The adjustable design allows it to be set for pretty much any rider weight. Its also nice for guys that saddle bag as it can be adjusted to compensate for changes in saddlebag weight.

After another busy season I'm ready to take a break. Despite it being spring, winter is still giving us Sno Scoot snow so myself and the kids have been taking advantage of it! Thanks again to all of you that gave me business this past season. I managed to put on nearly 2000 miles myself and many of those miles were testing some new ideas I alluded to in prior posts. I even thought of a few other trick ideas that I have not even shared yet! I may go silent for times this off season, but will surely post updates on some of this new stuff. I removed "new" tags from all the 17-18 products released in the menu. From this point on if you see a "new" in the menu, its a new 18-19 product.
The off season R&D has begun. Here's a peak at a slick adjustable snow flap I'm working on for Viper and Sidewinder models. These sleds have very little sit in for lighter riders which keeps the snow flap up and allows snow dust to exit the tunnel. The sidewinders are more prone to overheating on hardpack trails so dropping the flap will improve cooling as it keeps the little bit of dust available in the tunnel. The adjustable design allows it to be set for pretty much any rider weight. Its also nice for guys that saddle bag as it can be adjusted to compensate for changes in saddlebag weight.
It appears that the website server was not sending all the parts requests submitted via the website to me. Yesterday around 4 i just started getting bombarded with request. Turns out they must have fixed a glitch and it released all the requests that were never sent. Some back well into January. I apologize to those that never got a response!
On another note many have contacted me about a retainer to keep ice scratchers up on the ski better. Looking for an inexpensive solution that will work on many skis I'm going to test this.
As this season has been progressing I've been testing some ideas and prototypes and also gathering new ideas and feedback for more products. Below are some of these new products and ideas.
Sidewinder hose protector in tunnel
Sidewinder caliper/footwell guard
Viper/WInder torsion spring relocate
Sidewinder radiator and fan kit
Viper/Winder oil tank leak solution
Viper/Winder chain case drain
MPS for RX-1, Vector, Apex, & Venture
MPS for FX Nytro
I've been testing a set of the Kimpex rush skis on a friends Viper this winter. They are a single keel ski and are an affordable priced ski for those looking to ditch the tuner skis. We put about 1000 miles on them with the stock single runners and darting is minimal. As a strong believer in snow trackers the ultimate goal was finding a ski that i could fit up snowtrackers on. Snow tracker does make a set up for the tuner skis, but feedback I have gotten is they don't work as well as the conventional design on a single keel that guys have run for years and years. Got a set of semi aggressive mounted up and will be testing once we get snow!
Had a great trip with family and friends this weekend. Managed nearly 450 miles despite thin snow and warmer temps. The MPS kit on the venture worked out well and am going to proceed with producing a kit. Almost 1900 miles on my sidewinder now, and still on the original belt. New belt adjusters are in stock. Octagon shaped for easy grip, heavier buttons, and more threads to disperse spring pressure across. Will update the menu page this week.
Quick update. 4 position adjusters are in stock again. I'm also picking up an order of belt adjusters today and will fill all outstanding orders. I apologize for delay on adjusters, but made a few changes and I'm pretty sure you will agree its the best one on the market now! On another note, I've now got an MPS prototype kit on my Venture GT to test. This version will fit all RX-1, Rage, RS Nytro, and pre EPS Apex, Vector, & Venture. I will be away riding Thrusday night to Sunday. No phone or internet service at camp. so expect some delays in me getting back to requests.
Back in shop again. Had a great time riding last week. Did a personal best 312 miles on Thursday. We stayed This property is now owned by a good customer of mine. Tim is an avid Yamaha rider with a barn full of Yamaha parts sleds which can be a great resource if you are having sled trouble. Tim will go out of his way to help get you back on the trail. Belt adjusters and 4 position adjusters are out of stock. Hope to have more available by end of this week. I also now offer seat screws for the Viper and Sidewinder. These allow for quick seat removal when battery access is needed. They are in the online store for $12.
Taking a few days off to get some riding in from 1/3 to 1/5. Got up to Turin NY around 3 and clicked off 130 miles. Feels great to get out on the trail again. Dad is very happy with his MPS equipped viper and has no regrets giving up the EPS apex. Been getting lots of positive feedback from customers and dealers now that the kits are seeing some trail time.
Here's something new I'm working on. Many riders under 200 lbs are not able to get enough sit in on the LTX models. For example my buddy that weighs 135lbs can't even get his ltx viper to budge! My solution is to this is a linkage kit that relocates the 3 position adjuster blocks to reduce pre load. My buddy at 135lbs now gets a few inches of sit in with my kit. Having the correct amount of sit in will make the sled ride much better and also allow for better weight transfer. Hoping to trail test soon,and then release if all goes well.
I sold out of belly pan protectors just before thanksgiving. I'm expecting another batch by the end of this week and will fill outstanding orders asap! The tri hub rear axle wheels on vipers are getting some miles on them now and are a recipe for disaster if bearings are not kept after. If the bearing fails in one wheel it takes out the whole assembly. I now have tri hub delete kits that use 2 independent wheels. For those on a budget you can get spacers for $20 and we will tell you how to modify your original wheels. Those not into the DIY option, can purchase kits with new wheels. 129 model kits are $85, and all other models are $90.
In pursuit of the perfect belt adjuster I've added nylon buttons to the face of the adjuster that makes contact with the helix. These buttons prevent metal on metal contact and eliminate the need for the shim tool I originally supplied. The buttons can easily be added if you have one that does not have the buttons. You can send me your adjuster for free install or I can send you a drill template and buttons to install yourself.
After trying several different oem and aftermarket ski loops on the curve ski, I've settled on one of slydogs loops as the best fit. Using the slydog loop requires no alterations to the ski or loop. I will be putting a hardware kit together to supply with the slydog loops to adapt them to the curve ski. Loop and hardware kit will retail for $60, and be available in popular colors such as black, red, blue, white, grey, and orange. I will get these added to the store soon.
Curve no longer offers colored loops, so I have been experimenting with stock loops to see if I can figure out a way to retrofit oem ski loops. Many people would already have oem loops and if they needed to purchase them they would be cheap to source. Not using curve loops would also allow guys to get into curves for less money as the curve loops and hardware account for nearly $100 when pricing out a curve ski kit.
Sidewinder intercooler guards are now complete and available for purchase. Retail is going to be $150 and will include both pieces and mounting hardware. I will be adding these to the menu and store soon. By using this instead of the factory nose cone the intercooler can now be rolled front to provide clearance on the back side for an intercooler fan. I will be testing fan set ups for the intercooler this winter.
I've finally got a chain case protector designed for the Sidewinder & SR viper. I finished fitting up prototypes last Friday, and today I placed an order with a fabricator. I should have them in stock in about 2 weeks. These will compliment my main skid plate nicely and provide added protection to the vulnerable chain case. Retail for these guards will be $35.
I now have copper gaskets in stock for the SR Viper muffler flange. In addition I also have the larger 38mm copper donuts in stock for the Phazer and 11-18 Apex. They are available in the online store. This saturday I will be at the Kutztown grass drags and swap meet. I will have my sidewinder with if anyone wants to see some of my new products in person.
Belt adjusters for Sidewinder and Viper have been on the market for few seasons now, but those designs are specific to just those two sleds and will not work on any of the Japan build sleds.
I've got an adjuster design that will work on almost all of the Japan built sleds except for the phazer. As machined it will fit the Viper and Sidewinder. If I drill out the M10 through hole to an M14 it will then fit the Apex/Vector/Venture sleds. If I drill it out to an M18 it will then work on the FX Nytro. With one design for machining, it will allow me to keep my costs down.
Still finalizing the design but should have them available soon. The adjuster will also serve as a belt changing tool that easily opens the secondary for belt changes. No more fighting the spring to change belts!
I've been working hard on this new product....the official Barn Of Parts T-shirt! Ha. I just got a few dozen of these last week and figure'd I'd offer them up for sale. They will be $15, and are available in the online store.
For those that have not received their MPS kits yet they should ship next week. Waiting on some more hardware to arrive.
White sno scoot 200's are starting to show up. I ordered a blue one from F&S Yamaha, but they offered to let me take a white one awhile so I can start coming up with ideas for some aftermarket parts. I took it for a ride in the wet grass yesterday morning and I think its going to be a fun little sled for both kids and adults!
White sno scoot 200's are starting to show up. I ordered a blue one from F&S Yamaha, but they offered to let me take a white one awhile so I can start coming up with ideas for some aftermarket parts. I took it for a ride in the wet grass yesterday morning and I think its going to be a fun little sled for both kids and adults!
Now that MPS has been finalized and released for the Sidewinder and Viper I'm working on expanding the concept to the older Japan built sleds. I finished installing my first prototype for the FX nytro this morning. So far so good as the concept will adapt nicely on the Nytro!
Sidewinder belly pan protectors are all but finalized. We form them on a press break so the fit up is precise and matches the contour of the panel. By following the panel contour it minimizes the gap between the protector and panel which reduces the chance for buckling and distortion from the impact of a blown belt. The protector does not require clutch removal for installation. Plates are .080 thick aluminum. I should have price finalized and have them up in the online store within a week. I will have some available for purchase at the Excell races.
In a few more weeks the Excell grass drags will be here. I plan to be there all weekend. I have a few people meeting me at the event to pick up some parts. Contact me if you want me to bring some specific parts with.
With fall just around the corner, I've been busy finalizing some of the new products I've been working on. The product generating the most attention is MPS...mechanical power steering. Back in March, I started a thread on to see how much interest there would be in such a product and to date the thread has had over 18,000 views. I will be releasing the kit this week for the Sidewinder and Vipers. The photo is my very first prototype that I quickly crafted up on the eve of a late season snow so I could test the new idea. Needless to say, it worked very well. Check back Wednesday 8/30/17 as I plan to have the finished product up on the website.
With fall just around the corner, I've been busy finalizing some of the new products I've been working on. The product generating the most attention is MPS...mechanical power steering. Back in March, I started a thread on to see how much interest there would be in such a product and to date the thread has had over 18,000 views. I will be releasing the kit this week for the Sidewinder and Vipers. The photo is my very first prototype that I quickly crafted up on the eve of a late season snow so I could test the new idea. Needless to say, it worked very well. Check back Wednesday 8/30/17 as I plan to have the finished product up on the website.
Today I finished up designing my front intercooler guard. In my testing this winter the nose was constantly plugging up with snow and ice. This guard will also be a required part of my radiator and fan kit as the intercooler needs to get moved forward a bit for installation of the radiator. The stock snow scoop...I mean guard will not allow for any forward movement of the intercooler. If the intercooler can be bumped forward it also yields more room for those wanting to put a cooling fan on the backside of the intercooler for consistent cooling of charge air!
I figured I had better start posting some updates here so fellow sledders have something snowmobile related to follow in the off season! Been taking time to catch up on household projects this spring, but in the back of my mind I'm always thinking about sleds. I updated the homepage with a list of products I'm working on this summer. My goal is to have most of these items ready by fall, so when my snoscoot arrives I can dive right into that and see what I can create for it! In addition to new product development I have a few custom project builds I'm working on. One of these is for a soon to be retired school teacher. He has a few Yamaha 4 strokes in his stable. He'd like one with fuel injection but is reluctant to give up the conventional flip up hood he's been accustomed to in all his days of snowmobiling. The plan is to put an FI Vector or Nytro in his 05 Rage. In addition to this project I'm hoping to finish my Razor XP 900 project that I started end of last summer. Yes.....the 4 cylinder fits!!
Things are starting to wind down for the season. Managed to get around 900 miles on my Sidewinder this season, and have 4 or 5 new product ideas. The radiator and fan testing has proven to work real well through out the season. The current setup I'm testing will allow the sled to idle for approximately 20 minutes before overheating vs 8.5 minutes of a stock sled. The product I'm most excited about however will be what I'm calling MPS....mechanical power steering. This will be a bolt on product that greatly reduces steering effort of the Sidewinder and Viper sleds. I did 110 miles of trail testing on this yesterday with my dad in Old Forge and am very excited about the results! MPS will have 3 settings, so riders can adjust and fine tune how much easier they make the steering effort. More details to follow in upcoming weeks.
Sorry, it's been awhile since I updated here. Been a busy winter despite the poor snow conditions in many areas. Managed to get about 650 miles on my sidewinder so far on two quick trips. Hoping the weather will cooperate for some more testing in March! Best thing I did to the sidewinder was my Japan throttle kit. I test rode Aaron Excell's sidewinder couple weeks ago and couldn't stand the stock cat lever!
In some other news I am now an Ohlins dealer and can get the EC shock solenoids for you at fraction of what Yamaha charges for them. I will be retailing them for $75. I will get them added to the store soon.
Aftermarket goody list and whole sled list has just been updated. As mentioned before its been very busy. I'm trying my best to keep up with parts inquiries and orders. If you don't hear back don't hesitate to try me again. Between emails, texts, phone calls sometimes a request gets overlooked. If the items you want to order are in the online store, please order online as this will allow for faster execution of your order.
I've begun R&D on some products for the sidewinder. First up is a radiator and fan similar to what the apex and vector used. From the day the Sidewinder was released I felt this should have been part of the cooling loop. I got my prototype installed and will be out of the shop Wed to Friday testing it!
Get several requests for tow bumpers so I've been looking into making some up. The universal hitches don't mount up right, but if I weld a piece of channel to the bumper then they will work perfect! Photo shows a short track bumper but plan to offer them for the long track bumpers too.
I have had several inquiries lately of snowtrackers for the tuners. Many including myself have had great success with snowtrackers on the conventional yamaha single keel skis. Snow trackers are available for the tuner at a higher cost and my rep claims they improve the tuner, but they do not work as well as snowtrackers on the conventional single keel ski.
Option one is to buy 2014 viper skis, which were the cat skis. Snow trackers are available for these skis. The tuner ski rubber can be modified to fit the cat ski. I think that's all that needs altered, but will confirm.
Option two is to retrofit the conventional yamaha single keel skis to fit. I'm currently working on this, and it won't take much effort as all that is needed is a new ski rubber. The old ski rubber will not work, and the stock sidewinder ski rubber can't easily be modified. I have a few other brand ski rubbers on order, and hope to be able utilize one off the shelf for a cost effective solution.
Been very busy month. Hope all are having a good holiday season and getting some miles in! Have not been able to break away for any riding yet but hope to soon. Presently 13mm sway bars and bulkhead saver kits are sold out. Hope to have them back in stock in about a week. Had a viper bumper powder coated blue, and since blue requires a set up charge I had one of my Viper/Sidewinder skid plates done too. Only (1) available, so if you want a blue one get in touch!
Not much got accomplished this week as I've been at hopspital since Monday evening with our 3 week old daughter. She had surgery Wednesday and should be fit to come home today. Lots of emails, calls texts coming through. I will get caught up with everyone's questions and orders as soon as I can.
Was hoping to be shipping torsion block orders this week, but it will be next week.
Ordered in an aftermarket Viper front bumper from one of my distributors and got it today. I plan to install it on my viper for the season. Its aluminium and very nice quality. I'm impressed with it!. They are in the online store for $134. I can have them powder coated for an additional $15 if looking for a custom look.
Stainless steel y pipes for the 06-10 apex are not always easy to come by. The 03-04 rx-1 y pipes are a direct fit, except the overall length is shorter. I have extensions made up that slip onto an rx-1 y pipe and extend them to the apex length. We typically weld them on, but they can be used as just a slip fit. If you can track down 03-04 pipes we can make them work on your 06-10 apex.
Been a busy week! Monday we welcomed a baby girl into the family, so my time in the shop has been limited. Mom and baby are home and doing well, so now I'm trying to catch up on work in the shop. Today I finished up my 4th wheel kits for the SR Viper and sidewinders. I can utilize used standoffs from the Jap skids I have laying around to provide an economically priced insurance policy for that rear tri hub. When a tri hub bearing fails, the sled is pretty much stranded on the spot. These extra wheels on outside will ensure the sled is still mobile if the trub hub assembly fails. Retail for kits will be around $65 and include (2) standoffs, 2 new wheels with replaceable bearings, and two bolts and washers. Should have kits in the store soon!
Steering relocates have been around for the Nytro for quite some time. I finally got around to putting together my own kit and will be selling them for $40. This makes the handlebar range of motion more natural. In stock trim, the handlebar range of motion is up and down. The relocate allows for a more natural push and pull range of motion. I also believe the relocate will allow for the use of the dual fan setup with a trail tank. I have a customers nytro with trail tank coming in soon for a trial fit up.
Here's a vintage project I've been working on. The older bravos and enticers have square driveshafts and 3.29 pitch drivers which require tracks that are obsolete. There's a demand for these sleds as they are perfect for young kids to get started on so I'm working on affordable kit which will revive the ones in need of a track. I've got the driver situation sorted out with a bushing as shown in photo. Next step is the rail extensions that get welded on to stock rails to extend to 121 length. Last step will be a small tunnel extension. Stay tuned! My goal is to be able to offer complete kit minus track for around $200.
Busy week here in shop. The PA sled show is this weekend. Stop by and say hello if you attend. I've finished up the rouski wheel kit for curve skis. The final piece of the puzzle was getting wheel to clear the ski and my dad was able to solve that by bending an offset in the arm. Contact me if you are interested in a kit. The Rouski kit I start with lists for $320. With my brackets and hardware for a Curve ski the complete kit will be $350.
Finalized some fit up on a set of aftermarket shocks for the phazer. These will be a direct fit on the phazer sleds. They are steel body non rebuildable shocks, but very economically priced. The front shock will retail for $90 and the rear for $110. These are brand new and will be a great option for those not looking to spend big bucks!
I had a customer inquire about fitting up some retractable wheels on Curve skis. Customer informed me that he was unable find anything that was designed to fit the Curve ski. I ordered in a set of Rouski wheels for a Yamaha ski and this morning I began fitting them up. Mounting them will require some new mounting brackets and a modified arm, but at this point it looks like the conversion is going to work. Mounting brackets are drawn up and once I get them back from the shop I will update on the install.
Here's something new I've been working on. 4 position blocks used to be offered but presently no one makes them for the yamaha sleds anymore. These blocks will be made from aluminum and replace the 3 position plastic blocks. Position 1 & 2 will be same as the M & H setting on stock block. Position 3 will be 1.5 x the preload of H and position 4 will be double the preload of H. These stiffer settings will allow for less sag. For those that ride with a seat jack these blocks will provide stiffer settings when taking passengers.
Drantell Yamaha has confirmed that my Viper skid plate will be a direct fit onto the Sidewinder. Nick installed it on a production xtx model as shown in photo.
Still no Sidewinders here in the east. Nick at Drantell Sales & Service Yamaha in MN has offered to do a trial fit up on my skid plate to see if it will fit the Sidewinder. He has a production XTX on the floor so I'm shipping one out tomorrow. Will post updates as soon as I hear back from him. He is also going to do an ohm test on the sidewinder throttle lever so I can verify if the Japan throttle kits will work on Sidewinder also.
I had a customer inquire about one of these seats for his 08 Nytro. Kimpex lists them for 09 and up. Knowing that seat, exhaust tail light ect are same on an 08 I didn't see any reason why it wouldn't fit the 09. So I ordered one in to do a trial fit up. First off this new version is awesome and light years better than the original! The 09 and up tunnels have different style running boards, and the locating template kimpex designed only lines up with rivet holes on the 09 + tunnels. I'm going to create a template that will work for the 08 tunnels. If anyone is interested in one of these seats don't hesitate to contact me.....even if isn't shown as available for you machine. I have the ability and resources to make things work!
There has always been a pretty good demand for XTX rear shocks as they tend to blow apart. Wanting to be able to offer a cheap alternative to the oem shock I did some trial fit ups with some skidoo shocks and found a perfect match! This is a basic steel body shock with no adjustment but it retails for only $100! This will be a cheap alternative that bolts right in to get someone back on trail while they hunt for another OEM or have their original repaired.
Updated website is now live. May look a little different, but still flows the same. Some of the images didn't transfer over. Please bear with us as we work all the bugs out of new site. Biggest change is the online store. The new store allows buyers to filter by sled. This will make it much easier for buyers to find items applicable to his or her sled. We've add many new items to the store such as our new Viper full skid plates. Photo shows a custom red finish requested by one customer.
Here's an update on the ice scratcher mounting kit I've been working on. Since mounting options are often limited on the rear skid due to interference issues with arms and wheels under full compression I set out to come up with a simple kit to mount scratchers on skis. The mount I have come up with sandwiches between the ski bolt and ski. Install would require just loosening up the ski bolt so the mount can slide in. Once in place an 1/8" hole is drilled in the saddle for a screw. This screw pins the bracket in place and prevents it from rotating. One unique feature of the design is that it is meant to break away should the scratcher get hooked on something planted such as a rail road track, bridge etc. The open ended slot ensures the bracket is held in place by just friction and not bound in place by material strength too. Another nice feature is the ease of install. Once the pinning screw is in place the setup can be installed quickly trail side if you don't want to leave them mounted all the time. Below are some pics of the prototype concept. The bracket is designed to work on all stock yamaha single keel skis, and tuners. It will also work on viper cat skis, curves, and slydogs. Should work on C/A, but don't have any in shop right now to verify.
Fall will be here before we know it! Just wanted to take a moment to share the flyer for Excell Motorsports grass drag event. It's an awesome event and we will be attending this year again. If anyone is attending and wants me to bring parts up contact me.

Yamaha 4 Stroke Snowmobile Specialists
Yamaha 4 Stroke Snowmobile Specialists